The Differential Tax Treatment, commonly called TTD, comprises a series of benefits of reduction, exemption, suspension, partial deferral and of ICMS calculation base in Santa Catarina.
These TTD's stimulate the development of the enterprise linked or not to the foreign trade established in Santa Catarina territory or that will be established, from the reduction of the tax burden in import.
The Brazilian International Business, having the TTD of Imports, aims to stimulate the growth and reduction of the import tax burden of its clients through the import operation for the account and order of third parties, regulated by IN/SRF 1.861 of December 27, 2018.
The main benefits offered are:
- Deferral of the period for payment of ICMS, in whole or in part, from the moment of entry of the imported goods to the moment of subsequent departure.
- Appropriation of presumed credit in a graphic account, on the occasion of the exit subsequent to the entry of the imported goods, in order to result in:
- Taxation equivalent to 1.4% on imports of products for resale, with a presumed credit of 4%;
- Taxation equivalent to 4% on imports of raw materials, with a presumed credit of 10% and;
- For products on the CAMEX list, or with Ex Tariff, taxation equivalent to 2.5% with presumed credit of 4%, 10% or 12%, the latter being at the discretion of the Importer and/or Purchaser. >