The exportation’s Custom Clearance is the fiscal procedure whereby the foreign destination goods has its custom clearance process done, being exported on a permanent basis or not (IN SRF n.28/94).
The first step contains a compiling of the exportation register – RE. Once the good is ready to the shipment, the exportation necessary documents owner company shall provide the Exportation Clearance Declaration – DDE, through the SISCOMEX.
With the endorsement and the cargo manifest registration, done by the depositary or the exporter in a bonded warehouse or not, it’s necessary the exportation documents deliver, alongside the customs supervision, which will perform the shipment parameterization in one of the three existing: Green; Orange; Red.
After the parameterization and the requirements fulfillment in case of orange or red channel, the goods’ clearance is performed, that is completed when living the country with the shipment annotation and the exportation proof emission.